How to submit an essay?

Please read the instructions carefully. The submission process is based on a step-by-step system. All steps are self explanatory and guidelines are given for each of them. Should you nonetheless have problems during submission, please contact our support staff who will be pleased to help you.


Please note this important information on plagiarism

All submissions will be handled by the rules of academic honesty, which includes screening for plagiarism (that is, quoting from or paraphrasing other people’s work without acknowledging that this is a quotation and giving the source). Essays containing plagiarism will be disqualified from the contest.

Unfortunately a large number of essays is disqualified each year (yes, we are actually checking this with a sophisticated software). So please stick to the rules to avoid disappointments…

Respect usual citation rules.

Citations should be indicated by “double quotes” and referred to in the text either

  • as a bracket with [Author, Title, Source, Year] or
  • as a [number in brackets] with the references listed at the end of the essay or
  • as superscript with the references listed at the end of the essay.
Do also remember that
  • you must not change the sense of the original by omitting content.
  • if you make additions to a citation, indicate this by adding your initials: e.g. [addition; A.K.].
Most importantly

It will be insufficient to submit an essay consisting mostly (or even partly) of citations. They may support your reasoning but cannot be the essence of the work.

It is essential that, while quoting your sources, the content needs to be written by you. It ist mostly better to paraphrase (i.e. changing the words without changing the sense) a statement, than to use an actual citation. In this case, equally remember to always quote the source.

Essay Format

The text cannot exceed 750 words in English.

Submissions have to be in English. However, students are welcome to write their essays in their own language and have them translated by their teachers/schools.

It is allowed to upload one relevant figure/image and one picture of the student with the essay. The figure legend will be counted as part of the 750 words.

All submissions will be handled by the rules of academic honesty, which includes screening for plagiarism (that is, quoting from other people’s work without acknowledging that this is a quotation and giving the source). Essays containing plagiarism will be disqualified from the contest.

To avoid plagiarism you will have to show where your information came from and quote

  • the author (name & initial)
  • source/name of the publication (e.g. title of the article, journal, book website)
  • the year of publication.

Please enter references in the according step during submission.

Before you get started…

Type your essay in a common Word Processor (e.g. MS Word). Please save a copy of the file which includes the essay text only (no copy of the question or submitter name). This file can then be used for a “file upload” (easiest way of submission). However you have to upload images or graphics separately.

When you are ready to submit the essay…

Before being able to submit your essay, you will need to create an account on the submission page (a link is given below).

Please note that after creating your account, you may come back any time prior to the deadline in order to submit the essay or to continue an aborted submission. It is not necessary to create another account. The system saves your input after each step, so when returning to the submission site, you may continue the submission where you left it. You may also return to make changes to the essay until the deadline of April 25, 2025.

When you enter the site the first time:

  1. When entering the submission page, hit the link “Click here to create a new user account” below the login fields.
  2. Fill in all required address fields with information concerning the student and save the personal information by clicking “Continue”.
  3. In the section “Submissions” locate “DNA-DAY Essay 2025” (on the left) and click on the button “+ New” (on the same line on the right).
  4. Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions until you reach the Summary page, telling you that your submission is complete. If you cannot finish at that time don’t worry, you may come back later and pick up where you left off (see below).

If you return, to continue a submission or to make changes to a submitted essay:

  1. Login with the username and password that you received when creating the account.
  2. In the section “Submissions” locate “DNA-DAY Essay 2025” and click on the displayed essay to be changed or finished.
  3. Continue your submission or click on desired step you wish to change.

If you are ready, click the link below:

General Information on Submission and FAQs

Which browser can I use?
  • Recommended Browsers
    For Windows users, we recommend Firefox 16 or higher or Google Chrome 22 or higher.
    For Macintosh users, we recommend Safari 5.0 or higher.
  • Please note that you must also have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser preferences in order for the system to function properly.
What do I need to do to access the submission form? Why do I need to create an account
  • Before being able to submit your essay, you will have to create an account. Hit the link “Click here to create a new user account” on the left side of the login page.
    Please create only one account per submitter. If you are a teacher, you can submit multiple essays for your students using your account.
    The system then saves your information. If you have to stop and continue your submission later, or if you want to make corrections, you will not need to create another account and to submit everything again. See “If you return…” above.
  • After you created your account, the system will display a password and a username which will allow you to return, edit, delete or continue your essay. You will also receive an email with this information.
  • Your personal information (and contact details) can be changed, if necessary, by clicking the “Profile” icon (e.g. in case you are using another email address after you submitted the essay). Attention: All correspondence regarding DNA-DAY winner notification will be e-mailed to the address you provide in the “profile section”. Please make sure to indicate a valid email address, or we will have problems reaching you.

By the way, if you have already submitted an essay in previous days, the system will still remember you.

I made a mistake! Now I need to make corrections. OR I want to continue a submission, because I didn’t have time to finish it. Can I do that?
  • Yes absolutely. Your submitted essay is displayed in the Welcome Area (after the login), together with the information on whether it is complete or incomplete. To edit or finish the essay simply click on the button next to it.
  • Corrections can be made until the deadline of April 25, 2025.
  • The submission system stores the information after each step. The moment you reach the “Summary” page and the system tells you “This submission is complete” you are done and your essay has been received.
    However you will still be able to come back and make corrections (if necessary) until the deadline.
  • Please make sure you print the summary page for your records. The system also has an e-mail confirmation feature. Simply click the appropriate link on the summary page and fill in your email address(es) in the appropriate box.
I am stuck. Where can I get support?

For support during submission, please send an email to describing your problem, or call +43 1 405 13 83 22 between 9.00 – 17.00 hrs Central European Time.

OK, I am set. Where can I submit?

Click the link below: